Saturday, 20 October 2018

Positions of responsibility

Congratulations to our Head Girl Poppy T and Head Boy Oscar on their appointments this week.

We also announce our Prefects

and our House Captains

Mini Police

Well done to the five pupils from Y6 who were, this week, elected by their fellow students to be part of our Mini Police team.

Half Term Homework

This week for Maths we would like you to create a poster (A4 size) about one of the following topics:
Square Numbers         Prime Numbers          Factors and Multiples
We would also like you to continue working on your times tables using Times Table Rock Stars.
For English we would like you to write a book review of a book you have read recently – use the notes below to help you. (This can be done on paper or on Edmodo).
100 Word Challenges will be published on the school website (, on here and on Edmodo on the 21st & 28th October.
You can also use Read Theory, First News iHub, Word Mania

How to write a book review

100WC#07 Due Saturday 27th October
Base your writing on the picture on the right.
Some suggestions:
What is happening? Where have the insects come from? Who is the figure and what are they doing?

Saturday, 13 October 2018

Homework (due in Friday 19th October)


Question time!
  • Can you describe the icy world? Is the King evil or does he have no control over his powers?
  • Will the world ever return to summer again? Who/what will put a stop to winter?
  • Do polar bears and penguins get cold?
  • If there was no snow in the world, who would be affected?
  • How would you survive living in the North Pole?
  • What is the biggest threat to polar bears?

100 Word Challenge For the sixth challenge of the year we have a set of 5 words. As usual, they must all be in the post but can be in any order. They are:

Bath   Fighter   Danced   Orange   Clumsily

Last week's entries (Challenge 5) can be found here.
George's week 4 entry made it to the special showcase along with work from children in Ireland, Serbia, Spain, and USA.


Saturday, 6 October 2018


Homework (due in 12th October)
English: Create a character fact file.
Choose a character from a well-known story and produce a fact file about that character.

100WC This week you have to include part of a sentence.
 Remember you must include these words exactly as they are written here:
…it reminded me of a time when…