MichelleMagorian is 69 years old and was born the day after bonfire night. She has written lots of other books like Back Home, A Little Love song and much more. She was born in 1947.

Getting back to Goodnight Mr Tom. In this story Tom, one of the main characters, likes to keep himself to himself. Mr Oakley, also known as Tom is a character who is caring and getting very old. He is in his 60s and loves William so much. At the beginning of the story William and Thomas hardly know each other and now they are like family to each other. William always calls Tom, Mister Tom and doesn’t ask too many questions about Tom or anything, but he does to ask a couple of questions.
Willie was quite unusual and had never had a bath. He didn’t even know what it was! He thought it was for him to swim in and he said, “Please, mister. I can’t swim. I’ll drown!”
Willie doesn’t even know how to use a bar of soap. He got some soap on his hands and rubbed his eyes. That must hurt OWW.
On Remembrance Day we looked at some wartime poetry with Mrs Wellsted.
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