Thursday, 12 January 2017

Curriculum Letter

Dear Parents/Carers                                                                                     
A Happy New Year to you all.
This term we will be continuing our English and Maths work, building on and revising all areas in preparation for the SATs in May. The work will focus on giving children opportunities to apply the skills they are learning in a range of different situations, both within English and Maths and across other areas of the curriculum.
Our main topic focus for this term is Wild Waters & Disasters. The majority of work covered will develop the children’s geographical knowledge. They will be learning about earthquakes, volcanoes, other natural disasters and how rivers are formed.

In science we will be learning about evolution and inheritance as well as living things in their habitats. Following this we will be revising and assessing all other scientific topic areas.

Within PSHE the children will work on two SEAL units: Going for Goals and It’s Good to be Me. They will also learn about keeping themselves safe in a range of situations. We will also be taking part in some basic First Aid training.

Staff from Alford Grammar will continue to be working with us to teach Computer Science.  The pupils will be learning a range of ICT skills.

PE will be on MONDAY and TUESDAY, but there will be occasions when this changes so PE kit should be in school all week. It is VERY IMPORTANT that all pupils have a dark tracksuit and trainers in school as they will be outside in a range of weather conditions!!

In preparation for the transition to secondary school homework will change this term.  Pupils will be given a piece of both English and Maths homework each week on a Friday which will be due in the following Friday.  In addition to this, there will be a selection of topic-based activities which the children are encouraged to complete with you.
We would like to invite you into school during the morning of Tuesday 7th March 2017 to see us at work within our classrooms.
We would like to thank you for your continued support and look forward to working with you again during this term. If you have any concerns please come and speak to us.
Yours sincerely

Miss D Leetham, Mr D Ball & Mrs M Cunningham 

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