Sunday, 22 October 2017

Half Term Homework

Apart from a new 100 Word Challenge each Sunday, we are not setting any new homework over half term.Those of you who have missing pieces of work have a chance to catch up. 
You should also be;
  • reading every day
  • using the English and Maths resources on our blog (see the links at the top of this page)
  • Working on Sumdog & Xtramath
  • Working on Word Mania.
Ask for login details if you have forgotten them (use Edmodo or email me)

This week we have...

On Tuesday half of the year group went to The Royal Hotel to find out more about ShelterBoxes with The Rotary Club.

Whilst some of us were finding out about ShelterBoxes the other half of the year group were making shelters with Mr Porter:

On Friday we took part in this year's #WearItWild Day and raised £41 in the process. Thank you to all those who took the time to create a costume.

Golden Leaf Winners

This week's Golden Leaf winners were Natasha and Eden. Well done to both.

Friday, 13 October 2017

Homework 13th to 20th October (updated)

1: Wear it wild
For your homework this week we would like you to get creative and make a mask or outfit to wear on ‘Wear It Wild Day’ – Friday 20th October. As we are learning about caring for our environment this term you should try to use recycled materials rather than new where possible.

2: 100 Word Challenge: Write a newspaper report based around this picture:

Golden Leaf Winners

This week we selected Preston and Lewis to receive our Golden Leaves.

Friday, 6 October 2017

Homework (updated)

(work is due in by Friday 13th October)
Maths – This week we would like you to create a poster (A4 sized) about one of the following mathematical topics:
    Ø  Square NumbersØ  MultiplesØ  FactorsØ  Prime Numbers

We would also like you to practise your times tables using the resources on the maths resources page of our blog.

Write a poem (free verse) about the view from your window. It could be about the real view from a window in your house or about the view from your dream location

100WC #05

The prompt this week is:
Describe your most treasured item without actually giving what it is away. 
Things to think about:
  • Why is it so precious to you?
  • Who gave it to you or how did you come to have it?
  • As you cannot say its name, use lots of adjectives and descriptions.

Thursday, 5 October 2017

100 Word Challenge

Since the start of term we have been once again encouraging the children to take part in the 100 Word Challenge activity run by 
Each week, a new prompt is published and the challenge is to write 100 words using the prompt (which may be a picture, a selection of words or a phrase). Each week we choose some of the work produced by our children to publish on our own 100WC blog and forward them for viewing by Team100WC. Team100WC view work produced by children from all over the world and they nominate work to be included in the weekly Special Showcase.
This week Lexi became our first writer to be included in the Special Showcase this year for her story: The professor and the crocodile.