Friday, 6 October 2017

Homework (updated)

(work is due in by Friday 13th October)
Maths – This week we would like you to create a poster (A4 sized) about one of the following mathematical topics:
    Ø  Square NumbersØ  MultiplesØ  FactorsØ  Prime Numbers

We would also like you to practise your times tables using the resources on the maths resources page of our blog.

Write a poem (free verse) about the view from your window. It could be about the real view from a window in your house or about the view from your dream location

100WC #05

The prompt this week is:
Describe your most treasured item without actually giving what it is away. 
Things to think about:
  • Why is it so precious to you?
  • Who gave it to you or how did you come to have it?
  • As you cannot say its name, use lots of adjectives and descriptions.

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