Sunday, 25 February 2018

Week beginning 26th February

100WC#21:  This week we are looking at five words. All need to be in your writing but they can be in any order. You might find it useful to write out a short plan to make sure you get them all in and that your piece makes sense!
The words are: Ladder Goldfish Flew Brown Slowly
You can read our latest work here
Last week both Lexi and Clara had their work included in the Special Showcase of work selected from around the world!

English: If you could interview your favourite author, what would you ask them? 
Write at least 8 interesting questions.
Maths: Area and Perimeter worksheets

The Week Ahead
In Maths we will be working on calculations involving larger numbers and decimals, using all 4 operations.
In English we will be continuing our study of Skellig. You can read some of our Skellig related work here.
Image result for world book day
World Book Day - Thursday is World Book Day so we will be focusing on related activities during the day.

In Topic we will be creating maps of the British seaside and comparing some of the well known seaside places with Skegness.

Saturday, 17 February 2018

Week beginning 19th February

PE for this half term will be on Mondays and Wednesdays. 

On Mondays, we will be working with Mrs Potts on invasion games so
outdoor kit will be needed. 

On Wednesdays, we will be creating and performing dance routines so indoor kit (shorts and t-shirts) will be needed. As always PE kits should be available in school at all times in case of changes to the timetable.

In English, we are continuing to study Skellig with our focus for this week being the correct punctuation of dialogue in our writing.

In Maths, the focus is on measuring and calculating; areas, perimeters and volumes.

For this week's 100 Word Challenge we have a picture of a strange group invading the wood!

Things to consider:

  • Where have they come from?
  • Why are they here?
  • What mood are they in?
Entries via Edmodo by Saturday 24th or on paper by Friday 23rd.

There is still time to complete the half-term holiday homework:
Your task is to promote tourism to Skegness by creating an advertising campaign. You should create at least 2 of the following;
Video advert (max 30 seconds)
Radio advert (max 30 seconds)
Newspaper advert (A4 size)
Poster (A3 size max)

Sunday, 11 February 2018

Half Term Week

Half term holiday homework

Your task is to promote tourism to Skegness by creating an advertising campaign. You should create at least 2 of the following;
Video advert (max 30 seconds)
Radio advert (max 30 seconds)
Newspaper advert (A4 size)
Poster (A3 size max)

There is also a 100 Word Challenge this week. The focus is on using verbs and adverbs. You have to include the phrase:

…we were moving very fast when …

Things to consider: Where were you going? Does speed make a difference? What would changing the speed do?

Last week, Lexi's 100 Word Challenge was chosen to be part of the weekly special showcase alongside work by students from Ireland, USA, Canada, Malaysia, as well as the UK. You can read more of our 100 Word Challenges here.

Golden Leaves
Our Golden Leaf winners last week were Scarlett and Kai-Stuart.

Parent Drop-in
It was good to see so many parents joining us on Thursday morning.

Saturday, 3 February 2018

February 5th to 9th

Homework: This week we are asking the children to produce an illustrated map of either their journey to school, or of part / all of Skegness.
The 100 word challenge this week is to include: … it came down the drainpipe…  in your writing.

The week ahead:
In Maths this week we will be focussing on 2d shapes and calculation strategies.
In English we will be reading more of Skellig and developinging our stories. We will also be debating the subject of home schooling and exploring the relationship between Michael and Mina.
We will also be focussing on Internet Safety

Parent Drop In
We are looking forward to some of you joining us in our lessons on Thursday morning.

Golden Leaves last week went to Millie and Jenson